Grassroots asia Project funds

Street Children & Trafficking
Millions of Asian children are homeless, with no family, forced to survive on the streets. Grassroots Asia contributes food, clothing, medicine and educational materials to drop-in shelters and programs which offer services to destitute children. We cooperate with organizations in Asia that develop creative solutions for preventing the trafficking of children, have conducted rescue operations, and initiated new rehabilitation programs.

Resident Homes & Schools
Grassroots Asia offers aid to resident homes and schools providing housing and education to orphans, street children and the extremely impoverished. Quality living conditions, healthy food, clothing, education and love are provided at all residential homes and schools funded.

Emergency Relief
Grassroots Asia has an emergency relief fund for the distribution of food, clothing, medicine, blankets and temporary shelter in times of unexpected disaster.

Medical and Dental Services
Grassroots Asia offers medical and dental aid to individual patients and free medical clinics providing free services to the poor. In some cases, mobile units travel to remote schools and villages. Since 2003 we have donated several thousand dollars in medical and dental supplies to those providing training and services.

India's "Sponsor-A-Cow"
Cows, sacred and revered in India, are a great way for resident schools and orphanages to become more self-sufficient. They provide nourishment for children, vocational training and income. Grassroots Asia purchases donated cows and delivers them to schools and orphanages which have proper facilities and resources to care for them with love.

W.I.S.H Network (Women's Independent Self-Help)
WISH Network is an eclectic group of mentors, community leaders, teachers, alumni, volunteers and social workers who offer social services to underprivileged women and girls. The W.I.S.H. Network provides scholarships for housing, food, vocational training, education, medical aid, and counseling to young women through an ongoing application process. Training, job placement and small enterprise help young women become more self-sufficient and contribute to family and communities.

Education Scholarships
Education scholarships are provided to deserving students for high school and college education. Grassroots Asia provides textbooks and fees for college admission, exams, hostel stay and uniforms.